About Us

READERS ARE THINKERS: We may call it a revolutionary evolution in Malayalam media, an evolution of thinking. For the first time in the contemporary reading of the Malayali, it is fusion of technology and creativity in perfection. An attempt in future media, for the ever evolving Malayali reader, the thinking mind.

GLOBAL AND PLURAL: Today, the environment demands a futuristic reading of politics, science, art, literature, culture and life itself. Our endeavour is to customise these themes as the content of new reading. It will abide by and endorse the politics of democracy, plurality , secularism and environmental rights.


Truecopy Think is a Multimedia Product under True Copy Magazine LLP. TRUE COPY THINK will reach you as a complete "ethical portal”. This will be a socially responsible and honest digital platform hosting in-depth multimedia content including creative writing, podcast, analyses, interviews, talks, documentaries on subjects varying from science to politics. THINK, will cater to those readers who appreciate serious content which triggers thoughts. With analytical updates, we assemble explanatory diagnoses of everything that is news and beyond, revolutionising the portal experience.


The success of a portal or a magazine depends much on the view, vision and objective of its editorial board. A constructive and creative editorial board will be a differentiator for TRUE COPY.

KAMALRAM SAJEEV C.E.O. and Managing Editor Kamalram has been a pioneer in experimenting and reshaping magazine journalism in Malayalam. A journalist with 30 years experience in various forms of journalism, he has been instrumental in moulding committed and political in-depth journalism in Malayalam.

MANILA C. MOHAN Editor-in-Chief Manila has been active in Malayalam journalism for 20 years. In these two decades, she has worked in print, visual and online media extensively.

K. KANNAN Executive Editor K Kannan is a much respected Malayalam media person with an experience of more than 25 years. He was the Editor in Charge with Madhyamam Weekly and Chief Sub Editor, Madhyamam Daily. Also edited "Ethiru" a memoir on Dr M Kunhaman and also contributed articles to all major Malayalam publications.

MUHAMMAD SIDAN Director, Technological Innovation Sidan is a young computer wizard associating with various IT firms in development and solutions. He is a photographer and digital designer.

We are starting up this intellectual enterprise with transparent and socially auditable capital. TRUE COPY THINK is indebted to each and everyone who, without the slightest hesitation, extended their unstinted support. Such a venture will be successful only by the support of its readers and well-wishers. We invite you to patronise this socially responsible undertaking for a new online journalism experience.

IPSMF: Independent and Public-Spirited Media Foundation has engaged True Copy Magazine LLP for the purpose of reporting and publishing stories of public interest. IPSMF does not take any legal or moral responsibility whatsoever for the content published by True Copy Magazine LLP on its website on any of its other platforms.


Truecopy Magazine LLP